Supporting Local American Makers

Returns & Replacements


We have a 30-day return policy during which time you may return an item that is undamaged/unworn/unused, for a refund or replacement. Some exceptions apply (read below). 

We will also replace or repair any items that are damaged or defective, as long as claims are placed within 5 days of the item being received. To place a claim, contact our helpdesk.

Once we receive your item we will inspect it and, if your return is approved, we will initiate a refund of the purchase price to your credit card (or original method of payment) or send a replacement, depending on which you have requested.

Refunds will be credited back to your account within five (5) business days, depending on your card issuer’s policies.

Please note, the 30-day return policy does not apply to the following items:

Jewelry, custom made or personalized items, face mask covers, undergarments (e.g. sports bras), wall hangings. These may only be returned* if received in a damaged or defective condition, for replacement.

*with the exception of face mask covers, which may not be returned due to hygiene precautions.

To return an item, contact our helpdesk and we will let you know where to send it and what to do. If you are returning multiple items, you may be required to return those items as separate packages to different workshop addresses.

For more information about Returns, Refunds and Exchanges, please read the Refund Policy.


We ask that if you would like to cancel an order, that you make the request right away.

Changes and cancellations must be notified within the same day as purchase (i.e. by midnight EST). 

Once your order has been processed, you need to await delivery then return the item(s) to be eligible for a refund.

Items that are to be shipped next day will be processed immediately and cannot be changed or cancelled once the order has been placed.


Please email us at with any extra questions you may have about returning your order.